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Elevator Button Antimicrobial Copper Film

  •  Eco-Friendly, naturally occurring element
  •  Minimizes virus life compare to stainless steel or plastic surfaces
  •  Antimicrobial effect is everlasting
  •  Needs replacement only if damaged
  •  Pressure sensitive adhesive
  •  Film transparent and removable
  •  Copper approved by EPA as an antimicrobial material

Round Button Antimicrobial Copper Film covers come on 5-1/4" x 10-1/4" paper pad. Transparent, never fade and pressure sensitive adhesive, removable. It can be applied to any surface in the elevator car, and can be cleaned after installation with mild cleaner or soap.

  •  Transparent, semi-gloss copper color
  •  Round covers, 0.850" diameter
  •  Quantity 48 pcs.

Antimicrobial Copper Film Installation
Antimicrobial Copper Film will never fade. It is removable. Film can be applied to any surface in the elevator car, including stainless steel, plastic, and glass. It will stay applied to a surface that is clean and oil free.

1. Wipe down all surfaces, where Antimicrobial Surface films will be used, with a mild cleaner or soap and cloth.
2. Wipe down the surfaces with a clean dry cloth.
3. Once surfaces are dry, wipe all surfaces with an alcohol wipe to remove any remaining grease or oil. Wipe down all buttons at the same time.
4. Allow buttons to dry. Do not touch button surface once it has been treated with alcohol.
5. Remove the film off the pad and with adhesive side down, center it over the surface. Do not touch adhesive side of the film.
6. Once centered, gently press down to attach the film to the surface. Gently rub over the entire film area to adhere all edges to surface.
7. Repeat steps for all surfaces. For maximum longevity, Antimicrobial Copper Film surfaces can be cleaned with a mild cleaner or soap after installation.

Antimicrobial Effect of Copper How it Works
Copper acts as an inhibitor to the virus replication. Microbes recognize the copper ion on the surface as an essential nutrient, absorbing it into their cells. The absorbed copper ion causes the cells to lose significant nutrients and water. The ions then pull active oxygen ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) through the penetrated hole of the cell membrane.   This interference with the microbes' respiratory and metabolic activity leads to the destruction of the cell.
Antimicrobial Activity of Copper Research
Microbes can proliferate on materials such as plastic, painted surfaces, glass, and stainless steel. The microbes' body structure and genome are destroyed on the copper surface within minutes. The U.S. EPA has approved the registration of copper as an antimicrobial material.

Button Antimicrobial Film PDF flyer
Button Antimicrobial Film
PDF flyer

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